Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Forward Thinking

Hey all hows it goin'?

I'm in passive mood tonight, sitting here smoking a cig and munching some lindt chocolate. I felt the need to write a bit tonight, maybe write about what I've been up to, stuff that's been happening in the world of Cat.

I feel like I've been trapped in this bubble just recently - not a bad bubble, just a bubble. Go to work, come home, chat to my friends, go bed, go work, come home.... You get the picture, it's not that I don't enjoy it, I do! But its just like being in a bubble or rather going around in circles... I'm glad this week though, the ten hour shift I have to do on Friday has been cut down by 3 3/4 hours so I'm only working till 5:15 instead of 8! Thank god... It's a long day 10 hours!

So in other news - My dad's finally broke! I knew the year's of persistent torture would finally pay off....Yes believe it or not we are getting a puppy! A Labrador puppy to be exact, hopefully a chocolate coloured one. But with the puppies costing around £300 it's not going to be until the end of September when we do get one, all the same I am dead excited about getting a puppy! :D

Things at home seem to have settled down a little now, not so... Outrageous, which I'm glad about but also hopeful this isn't the calm before the storm kind of thing. Probably just me over-analyzing things again, but meh we'll see.

Bar working and paying bills and doing the Friday big shop (as Peter Kay says) I've been doing sweet nothing. Well except chatting to the friends online, man they make me laugh some days. Been having a massive row on the main boards just lately though - but thankfully one of my mates sorted it out and well I've kind of simmered down a bit now.

I've had two sets of bad news today, I'm waiting for a third...I'm a great believer of bad things come in three's and well we'll just have to wait and see what the next thing is. Fate work's in mysterious ways so take care my friends and much love to you all xxx

Currently Listening To: Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm

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