Hey all it's been awhile! How's it goin?
Got a few things on my mind of late, so much has been happening that I'm lost to whether I'm actually coming or going, hence the delay in writing up another blog post.
Recently (meaning yesterday (Saturday)) my brother and his girlfriend moved into their fabulous new home! It comes as a welcome release for them after things looked rocky for awhile with the housing market being what it is! But its a great home, perfect for them and I'm really pleased their moving on with their life, getting settled and what not, they deserve it.
So in between all of that we've had plumbers and builders in from the council fitting a walk in shower for us, the job which we though would be done within a week has turned in to a two to three week mess that's left us without a shower but still able to use the sink and what not in the bathroom, but seems for us to have been a right nightmare!
On a happy note I went cinema on Halloween with my best mate to see that film "Mirrors" excellent film and really funny yet freaky, things keep jumping out at you, to which my mate will understand how incredibly funny that was afterwards.
Christmas also seems to be right around the corner, I've managed to be quite planned out this year so I'm almost done with present buying, just the few odds and ends that need to be tied up. No doubt time will tell how that plays out, I'm heading for the last pay packet before Christmas at the end of November, so I'm just trying to play it all cool.
There's so many things going on separately to all of that, that I want to talk about but it's way too complicated and to be honest the thousand questions I would get afterwards from various people wouldn't be worth it, I don't want the hassle.
Looking at my life these past few months, I've come to realize that as attached to home as I am, I don't want to live here for the rest of my life, living here meaning living here in England. As happy as I am in my private life the events that are taking place at the moment just wont hold up and there's no possible way of fixing them, that's just the way it is.
Its a long way off yet, maybe I'll change my mind before then, but I doubt it, I'm doing this I'm going to make my mark in my life and go where my hearts leading me, even if I'll never have what I truly want - that's my fault and my burden to bare, I'll live with that regret for the rest of my life.
Anyway, enough of that,
Take care all xxxx
Currently Listening To: Staind -So Far Away.
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