Monday, 16 June 2008

Take her to Sea Mr Murdoch, Let's Stretch Her Legs

Hey all, hows it goin?

Had a fantastic past couple of days, really great week in all honesty. Aside from the usual dramatic family life I spent the Sunday previous to my brother's birthday getting drunk, and from what I've been told almost falling off a chair outside? Lol, do not remember that???

Pay day came too late for me this month, was forced into having to buy my brother's birthday present on the Friday after his birthday (his birthday being the Wednesday) but it turned out to be my lucky charm actually, after managing a last moment shift change, I could have Friday off and go up town with one of my bestest best friends and sufficed to say I had a blast!

Don't you just hate bubble (glass) elevators though? I'm terrified of heights so I found myself gripping on for dear life as the lift went down from the third level, opening my eyes and realizing everyone outside could see me cowering in fear. Damn.

None the less I managed to hold my own and won the elevator ride to the bottom, shopping around with my best mate for a present for bro. I managed to buy him a nice shirt from Burton (I think) which I'm not sure he whether he liked or not. A DVD of Peter Kay live at the top of the tower (which he'd seen already but said he didn't mind) and a Clubland CD which I'm not sure if he's listened to or not yet.

Either way I'm thinking it turned out rather nice after town we went food shopping and did the whole ordeal that was. After spraying everyone with a broken coke a cola bottle that dropped off the checkout, we left and headed home, unpacking, eating a McDonald's, chatting in my room for a few hours watching Titanic - still moving at 90mph (inside joke lmao)

I want to talk about Titanic if I may for a second, I promise I'll try not bore the pants off you with it.

1st Officer William Murdoch (see picture above) - wow!

Okay if you haven't seen Titanic by now your seriously deprived of a Television and or Video recorder/DVD Player - so just for those unlucky few - SPOILER WARNING AHEAD, I'll let you know when it's safe to read again ;) I'll make the text the same colour as the background so just highlight the below text to read it.

I mean really WOW, this guy, portrayed by the infamous Ewan Stewart - (who rightly deserves more credit than he gets as an actor) portrayed Murdoch in a absolutely fantastic light, I swooned over him whilst my mate swooned over Leo. In all honesty I don't get Leo's appeal, he a rubbish actor (sorry to my mate whose might read this and hate me for dissing Leo) But he lacks appeal, I love characters to have in depth appeal, I feel that Leo (Jack Dawson in Titanic) over dramatised the role, he over acts in almost everything he does, almost as if he's trying to be the next Tom Cruise or Richard Gere, it doesn't appeal to me, but this man did. The first time I watched Titanic - I remember crying way before everyone else did, unsure of why. The music, surely, set's everyone off and of course the fact you know it's a true story (bar the over dramatic love affair between Jack and Rose.)

I remember crying when Murdoch tried to use sheer will to turn the ship, trying to avoid the iceberg. But I remember crying even more when he shot himself after shooting another man, not only did it seriously downgrade Ewan's character, it was a WRONGFUL portrayal of what history dictated as the death of 1st officer William Murdoch.

History states and I quote directly from wiki: "After Titanic disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean on the morning of 15 April 1912, nothing more was ever seen of 1st Officer William Murdoch. His body, if recovered, was never identified. Within days of the disaster, several crew members and passengers began to speak of a suicide that occurred near the end of Titanic's sinking. It was initially unclear of who may have committed suicide, some claiming it was Captain Smith, Chief Officer Wilde, or Murdoch. However, these accounts are unconfirmed. Several members of the crew, including the ship's lamp trimmer, Samuel Hemming, and Second Officer Charles Lightoller said they saw Murdoch hard at work attempting to free Collapsible A from the falls on the Boat Deck just before the bridge submerged in the final stages of the sinking, when a huge wave washed him overboard into the sea. Surviving wireless operator Harold Bride later stated that he saw Murdoch nearby Collapsible Lifeboat "B," but that he died in the water.

In both the 1996 and 1997 films, Murdoch committed suicide. The 1997 film depicted Murdoch taking — but later rejecting — a bribe from first-class passenger Caledon Hockley; and shooting a third-class man dead in a mob on the deck. The horrified Murdoch then salutes Chief Officer Henry Wilde and commits suicide. After film producers refused to take out Murdoch's suicide scene, studio executives later flew to Murdoch's hometown to issue an apology for this depiction to his surviving relatives."

Murdoch was a hero I truly believe that, and his WRONGFUL portrayal in James Cameron's film angered me as did the fact that he had a chance to make a really good movie. Instead your left with scenes such as attempted suicide and paintings of naked women?? Is this what movie making has come down to? Never the less as per usual I did enjoy the film overall, save for the Rose and Jack parts, now that I really have bored the pants off you I'll shut up about it ;)

SPOILER END You can look again now ;)

So after a fun filled Friday and a work filled Saturday - I still forgot to buy my friends birthday present when I went up town! Grr, just remembered today actually - father's day of course.

I've promised my father I'd take him to the garden center tomorrow to let him get what he wants- I brought him some chocolates and a card as per usual though, which he was unable to eat any because of a sugar test tomorrow at the doctors! But no doubt he'll be digging into them before too long.

That's really all I have to say, take care all!

Currently listening to: John Williams - Jurassic Park Theme

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